Thursday, March 8, 2007


Step into the art of mount breeding

Well guys you all did great, we really pulled through and managed to not only buy a 550kk paddock, but also two wild almond dragoturkys male AND female. It cost a lot of money but now were finally in the process of mount breeding and in a matter of a few months should have a variety of useful mounts for you all to use and even to sell. Breeding is a long costly process so we really need a full guild effort to make it happen. So you wanna help, well heres what you can do.We need everyone to get to lv 60 -80 asap and a few volunteers to take the mounts with them to lv them up. We also need weekly donations of 1-5kk per member to help pay for food, breeding equipment, and eventally mount buying such as a golden mount to use in cross breeding.